.CSPROJ 文件扩展名


什么是 .CSPROJ 文件?

.CSPROJ 文件属于 Windows 11, 10、Windows 7、Windows 8 / 8.1、Windows Vista、Windows XP 等操作系统中使用的 Developer Files 类别。

.CSPROJ csproj
开发者: Microsoft
文件类型: Visual Studio C# Project
格式: N/A

.CSPROJ 文件与 Microsoft 开发的 Visual Studio C# Project 关联,采用 N/A 格式,并属于 Developer Files 类别。

Files with the CSPROJ extension represent a C# programming project file developed by Microsoft Visual Studio. CSPROJ files contain an XML-formatted list of files included in a project and the compilation options. These files define all the requirements to build the project, such as the project's content, platform requirements, versioning information, and database server settings.

Additional information

CSPROJ files can be opened in any application for text editing. For example, you can use Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 or JetBrains Rider applications for this purpose.

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