.MAB File Ekstensi

Apakah Anda mengalami kesulitan membuka file yang berakhir dengan .MAB? File tersebut dapat dijalankan hanya dengan program tertentu. Jika Anda tidak dapat membuka: ext file, hal ini karena alasan berikut: Anda tidak memiliki program yang sesuai untuk membukanya atau Asosiasi berkas Anda rusak. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang ekstensi ini, silahkan baca artikel di bawah ini.

Apa .MAB file?

.MAB file termasuk kategori Misc Files yang digunakan dalam sistem operasi seperti Windows 11, 10, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows Vista, Windows XP.

.MAB mab
Pengembang: Mozilla
Jenis file: Mozilla Address Book
Kategori: Misc Files
Format: Binary

.MAB file berhubungan dengan Mozilla Address Book yang dikembangkan oleh Mozilla, memiliki Binary Format dan termasuk Misc Files kategori.

The Mozilla Address Book is a file format typically used by email clients. It contains contact information for people that the user has added, including their name, email address, and any other relevant information. These files are usually saved in the user's home directory.

Additional information

Mozilla Address Book files are different from other address book formats because they keep more information about each contact, like a contact's photo.

MAB files are stored in a text-based format, which makes them easy to view and edit. Many email clients can open a Mozilla Address Book file. In addition, some standalone applications can open them. Additionally, MAB files can also be converted to other more recognizable formats. To do this, use a standalone program or an email client that supports conversion.

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