.3GPP File Extension

Are you having difficulty opening a file that ends with .3GPP? Such files can be executed only by certain programs. If you cannot open the .3GPP file, it can be due to the following reasons: either you do not have an appropriate program to open it, or your file association is corrupted. For more information about this extension, please read the article below.

What is a .3GPP file?

.3GPP file belongs to the category of Video Files used in operating systems such as Windows 11, 10, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows Vista, Windows XP.

.3GPP 3gpp
Developer: Third Generation Partnership Project
File Type: 3GPP Media File
Category: Video Files
Format: Binary

.3GPP file is associated with 3GPP Media File developed by Third Generation Partnership Project, has a Binary Format and belongs to Video Files category.

Files with the .3GPP extension are multimedia files. The 3rd Generation Partnership Project developed this format. 3GPP files were created to transmit media over the Internet and save videos on 3G mobile phones. These files contain various videos and audio. 3GPP files are usually utilized by 3G mobile phones that support video capture.

Additional information

To open a 3GPP file, you can use tools like Microsoft Windows Media Player, Microsoft Movies & TV, Apple QuickTime Player, or VideoLAN VLC media player. Also, you can convert a 3GPP file to other formats, including MP4, OGG, ASF, and MOV.

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